Sprint to the Finish | Your Look Ahead From Summa Strategies

  • Last Friday, PM Justin Trudeau headed to the G7 summit in England. The summit began with countries making firm commitments to share their excess vaccine supply. Canada is expected to announce a donation of up to 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. During the summit, the PM consulted with Queen Elizabeth about the process for selecting the next governor general of Canada, months after Julie Payette’s resignation.
  • Following his trip to Europe, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will spend his travel quarantine at an Ottawa hotel –  though not one of the government’s designated hotels for international air travellers. The Conservatives are accusing the prime minister of asking for special treatment.
  • Last Wednesday, Health Minister Patty Hajdu said the government is hoping to ease some travel restrictions in stages, starting in early July.  Soon, fully vaccinated Canadians and permanent residents crossing the border into Canada will no longer be required to stay at a hotel for part of their quarantine period. She said those fully vaccinated Canadians will still have to take a COVID-19 test on arrival and have an isolation plan until their test comes back negative. However, no specific date or details have been confirmed.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the leaders of Canada’s federal parties traveled to a mosque in London, Ontario, on Tuesday evening, joining thousands at a vigil for the Muslim family killed in a hate-motivated act. The NDP introduced a motion on Friday that received unanimous consent in the House of Commons calling on the prime minister to convene a National Action Summit on Islamophobia before the end of July 2021. The National Action Summit is the main call to action from the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and hundreds of other Canadian Muslim organizations and civil society groups.
  • Procurement Minister Anita Anand announced that Moderna will exceed its revised June delivery target and send seven million doses to Canada in June. This will more than double what it has delivered in the past five months.
  • Last Tuesday, the Conservative Party used its opposition-day motion to call on the federal government to take action on the rising cost of housing, including examining a temporary freeze on home purchases by non-resident foreign buyers. In response to the motion, the government said it would continue with its current housing policies. 
  • Last week, after the Liberals and Bloc Québécois voted to limit further debate on Bill C-10, the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage rushed through its final consideration, amendment and passage of the legislation. The controversial legislation will be reported back to the House of Commons early this week.
  • Green Party MP Jenica Atwin crossed the floor of the House of Commons last week to officially join the Liberal Party of Canada. Atwin’s departure comes after internal conflict in the Green party over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Atwin tweeted to “end the apartheid in Israel!” which was not welcomed by senior advisors of the Green Party. Atwin was the first Green Party MP ever elected in Atlantic Canada, and one of a caucus of three in the House of Commons.
  • Public Safety Minister Bill Blair tabled Bill C-31 in the House of Commons on Thursday. This bill would amend the Criminal Records Act to make it easier for people found guilty of most crimes to receive a pardon. 

In the House

  • Last week, government house leader Pablo Rodriguez outlined legislative priorities prior to the House rising. 
  • Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)
  • Bill C-30, The Budget Implementation Act
  • Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada’s efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050
  • Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts
  • Today, the House is resuming the 3rd reading debate of C-6 and will begin the report stage and 3rd reading of Bill C-12. 
  • A notice of time allocation was given in the House of Commons in relation to the 3rd reading of Bill C-6. 
  • A vote in the House to extend the sitting hours in June was pushed to this Monday. 
  • Tuesday and Thursday will be the final two allotted days (Conservative opposition days). On Tuesday evening, there will be a take-note debate allowing members not seeking re-election to give their farewell speeches.  
  • On Wednesday, the debate on C-30 will continue. 

In the Senate

  • Bill C-15, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act is currently at third reading. 
  • Bill C-208, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (transfer of small business or family farm or fishing corporation) is scheduled for third reading this week. 

Committee Business

  • The Standing Committee on Natural Resources (RNNR) will meet today to hear from witnesses regarding the low-carbon and renewable fuels industry in Canada. 
  • The Standing Committee on Health (HESA) will meet today to hear from witnesses regarding the emergency situation facing Canadians in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  
  • The Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) will meet today for the consideration of a draft report on the labour market impact assessment under the temporary foreign worker program.  
  • The Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology will meet tomorrow for the consideration of a draft report on Accessibility and Affordability of Telecommunications Services and a clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-253, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (pension plans and group insurance plans).
  • The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI) will meet tomorrow for a clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-205, An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act. 


  • Last Friday, Ontario entered step 1 of their reopening plan, which was originally scheduled for Monday, June 14, 2021. Step 1 allows Ontarians to go out on the patios, access non-essential stores, and have outdoor gatherings of up to ten people.
  • Ford’s government returned to the legislature this weekend for an emergency weekend debate on election finance. This was in response to the decision by The Superior Court to strike down the Election Finances Act, which would have limited third-party spending outside an election year. In response, the Ontario government recalled the legislature over the weekend to pass legislation invoking the notwithstanding clause. Various stakeholders noted their concern over the use of the notwithstanding clause and how it may backfire on Doug Ford. 



  • In consultation with the Alberta government, TC Energy cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline project last week, potentially leaving Albertans on the hook for $1.3 billion the government had invested in the project.
  • Premier Jason Kenney announced that the government doesn’t plan on renewing the State of Public Health Emergency. The measure is set to expire today. The UCP government is pursuing an aggressive re-opening strategy, and causing some concern in the province’s major cities.



  • Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin said Atlantic premiers are discussing the possibility of moving up the date for the Atlantic travel bubble.
  • New Brunswick’s chief medical officer announced that the province has missed its COVID-19 vaccination target in order to start the first phase of its reopening plan.