Pandemic readiness, support for Canada’s most vulnerable and the importance of “building back better” were all major themes in today’s Speech from the Throne. Read on for our insights and more on what you may have missed.
Governor General Julie Payette delivered the federal government’s Speech from the Throne (SFT), A Stronger and More Resilient Canada, this afternoon before a limited audience in the Senate. Not only does the SFT formally kick off the fall session of Parliament, it gives the Liberal government the opportunity to reframe the agenda, refresh ministerial priorities and test the confidence of the House of Commons.
When the decision to prorogue was made, COVID-19 looked to be somewhat contained. Now, amidst rising case numbers and indications the country is in a “second wave” of the pandemic, the main focus is squarely on pandemic readiness and emergency response. Healthcare, childcare and green recovery were also features of the 45 minute speech, which will undoubtedly be echoed in the Prime Minister’s national address scheduled for later this evening.Read Summa’s full insights and analysis:

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